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Rope made out of paper used in sealing mould during steel casting..


Available sizes:

6mm,  8mm, 13mm, 18mm, 21mm DIA


Nail Chiller

Small bits of metal pieces 3-4 mm in length used in mould preparation during steel casting.


Iron Cement

It is semi-liquid paste used in protection coating of moulds during steel casting. It protects the mould against hot and abrasive steel pour.  It can also be used to seal cracks and voids. The main property of iron cement is that it is very fast acting & dries within 8-10 minutes

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Casting Powder

They are composed essentially of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 with addition of fluxing agents and carbon

  • to provide chemical protection of liquid steel from oxidation;

  • to provide thermal insulation preventing solidification of steel surface;

  • to lubricate the strand to the mould to provide uniform heat transfer between the strand and the mould wall.

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Collar Flags

Tool made from metal sheet and pipe, Used in slag removal/extraction

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Glass Wool

The resin bonded glass wool is available as a “blanket” or as a "rigid board".

Key dimensions of Glass Wool are:


1. Density- 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48 kg/cubic mtr


2. Thickness- Our standard thickness is either 25mm and 50mm. Other thickness are available on request

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